
Bathymetry effects on the flow field at the transition between idealized estuaries and the adjacent ocean are studied with the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS). Estuary width, depth, and channel direction at the shelf are used to determine flow characteristics in and out of an idealized estuary. The idealized estuary connects to an upstream boundary, where freshwater discharges, and an offshore tidal boundary. Tidally averaged salinity and flow structures are examined at the estuary mouth. A recirculation feature directly affects flow at the estuary mouth, especially in shallow and wide estuarine systems. The recirculation retards the exchange flow near the edges of the estuary mouth and consequently allows strengthening of the flow in the middle. The geometric shape of the estuarine channel affects the strength of the residual flow at the estuary mouth. The presence of an extended submarine channel on the shelf enhances the baroclinic circulation and stratification, and maximizes the salinity intrusion length without additional external forces. The direction of this submarine channel affects the exchange flow structures at the estuary/ocean transition zone in such a way that the salinity intrusion length increases with a left-turning channel (in the Kelvin wave sense of the fresh water flow direction). This is attributed to the competition between centrifugal and Coriolis forces. Flow characteristics described by the Kelvin and Ekman number, which outline channel geometric effects, are similar to previous studies.

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