
The article presents the results of studying the influence of methods of basic tillage and moisture availability on the elements of the structure of the soybean crop: the mass of seeds per plant, the number of beans and seeds per plant, the height of the plant, the weight of 1000 seeds and the yield of soybeans of the Volma variety, after winter wheat. It was found that on average in 2020-2022. Moisture conditions developed in such a way that among the main tillage methods, high yield structure and yield were obtained in the variant with plowing by 22-24 cm - 2.2 t/ha, slightly less yield was obtained by non-moldboard loosening by 22-24 cm - 2 0 t/ha, disking with a processing depth of 16-18 cm produced the least amount of grain - 1.9 t/ha. In addition, it was noted that the method of basic processing affects the amount and dynamics of moisture in the soil during the growing season. During the germination period, the largest moisture reserves were recorded on non-moldboard loosening, and the smallest - on disking. In the flowering phase, when soybean plants urgently need moisture to form a crop, the largest amount of it was in plowing, and the smallest - in disking.

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