
There is much to learn about improving baffle designs to increase successful fish passage through culverts. A fish’s motivation to attempt entry into the culvert is essential. Upon entry, successful passage will largely depend on the physiological ability of the fish to navigate the entire culvert length. In this study, the motivation of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis (Mitchill, 1814)) and brown trout (Salmo trutta Linnaeus, 1758) to attempt ascent of an experimental flume, which mimics a roadway culvert left bare (smooth) or fitted with either spoiler or weir baffles, is assessed. Performance, measured as maximum distance of ascent within the flume, is also quantified. The bare flume was the most motivating for brook trout, and the weirs were most motivating for brown trout. As a rule, brown trout showed less motivation to stage attempts than brook trout, except within the weir baffle treatments. Performance was greatest in the weirs for smaller trout and in the spoiler baffles for larger trout. Our findings suggest that baffle form influences passage rates at road crossings in ways previously unknown and further stresses the importance of considering fish motivation and performance together when assessing the efficacy of baffle forms.

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