
Bacteriophages are viruses that infect bacteria. It was shown that bacteriophage therapy is an effective method of combating bacterial infections, including infections caused by antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains. One of the main obstacles to widespread use of phage preparations is limited knowledge regarding the influence of bacteriophages on human organisms. In our study, we evaluated whether application of phage preparations impair bactericidal activities of human phagocytes (granulocytes and monocytes). In our study, we used preparations of phages T2 and T4 specific to Escherichia coli and A3 phage specific to Staphylococcus aureus. We found that bacteriophage preparations do not influence intracellular killing of bacteria by human phagocytes. The effect is irrespective of phage preparation type (lysate, purified phage preparation), phage titer of the preparation, and whether bacteria phagocytosed by phagocyte cells are sensitive or insensitive to phage (bacteriophages homologous and heterologous to bacteria). Although the results of our study are preliminary, they support previous data indicating safety of therapeutic application of phages.

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