
The objective of the present study was to investigate the effect of the time of administration of androgen, during the neonatal period, on the development of masculine copulatory behavior in female rats. In addition, the influence of androgen, administered neonatally, on the development of penile reflexes and cytoplasmic androgen receptor levels in the hypothalamic-preoptic area (HPOA) was examined. Female rats were injected with 0.5 mg testosterone propionate (TP) at either 1, 8, or 24 hr after birth and again 24 hr after the first injection. Fifty percent of the females treated with TP at 1 and 8 hr after birth displayed the ejaculatory response when tested in adulthood. In contrast, 93 and 87.5% of oil-treated males and females, respectively, which were androgenized at 24 hr after birth exhibited this response. The results indicate that a considerable amount of masculinization occurs postnatally in the rat. However, none of the androgenized females displayed any penile reflexes even when tested following the display of an ejaculatory response. HPOA androgen receptor levels were somewhat higher in the oil-treated females than in males but were not correlated with the ability to exhibit ejaculation patterns.

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