
In this paper, the mechanical and forming properties of 2A12 aluminium alloy sheet were determined by using the uniaxial tensile test, including the yield stress , the ultimate tensile stress , the strain hardening exponent n, the strain ratio r, the elastic modulus E and the elongation at fracture point . The specimen used in all the experiments were heat-treated by asquenching and then age-hardened at various aging times. The minimum bending radius is also evaluated using a series of rubber-forming processes. Introduction Although precipitation or aging hardening phenomenon of aluminium alloys was discovered, by German metallurgist Alfred Wilm, over 100 years ago it is still not fully understood and further experiments are still being held all over the world. There is no mathematical formula or any such tool that exactly predicts the influence of aging on the mechanical properties of these alloys. In recent years, most of the research on the influence of aging time in metallurgy focuse on the following areas:  Peak-aging conditions  Hardening  Anisotropy  Formability  Microstructural investigation The peak aging time is the time after quenching at which a materials mechanical properties are maximum. It however varies with temperature as found in [1] that the peak aged state of 6061-O alloy at 200c was 600 [2] found that for 6061 aluminium alloy peak aging achieved after 5h at 433k and after 48h at 373k. It has generally been observed that strain hardening behavior varies regularly with different aging temperatures [1] observed that for 6061-O alloy the strain hardening rate decreases substantially with increasing aging time. Precipitation hardening is also investigated [3] and observed that the coarsening of precipitates causes decrease in hardness after forming at 190c for about 6h. They conclude there is a little difference between mechanical properties of the specimens under creep forming and conventional ageing [4] observe that precipitation hardening induces anisotropy. Generally natural ageing has a negative effect on hardening. It is observed [1] that anisotropy in the rolling direction decreased while that in the transverse direction increased with aging time. It is also observed [4] that the precipitation hardening induces anisotropy. In [3] the anisotropic behavior of 7075 aluminium alloy sheets is studied after annealing at different temperatures. Heat treatable alloys are seen to be highly anisotropic. In [1] it is observed that formability decreases with increase in aging time. In [4] precipitation hardening affects formability of Al 2024 sheets it is found that formability for age-hardened sheets was best in plane strain conditions than all other conditions. In [3] it is observed that springback decreases with increasing the time and temperature. It is observed that formability of 7075 Al alloy could be improved by annealing the sheets at temperature ranges of 350-400c. International Conference on Material Science and Application (ICMSA 2015) © 2015. The authors Published by Atlantis Press 395 Materials and Experimental Procedure 2A12 alloy in the form of 1mm thick sheets was used. The chemical composition is as in Table 1. Part of the text specimens as shown in figure 1 and the scheme as shown in figure 2. Tensile test specimens were prepared following the national standard of China (Metallic materials-Tensile testing-part 1: Method of testing at room temperature). All the testing procedures were performed by SANS CMT-4000 series machine, as shown in figure 3. The specimen were cut at 0 and 45 and 90 degrees with the rolling directions and had 10,20,30,40,50,60,120,180,480 minutes of aging time, respectively. Tab.1 The chemical composition of 2A12 alloy Fig. 1 Uniaxial tensile test pieces Fig. 2 The scheme of tensile test specimen Fig. 3 SANS CMT-4000 series machine Results and Discussion The properties obtained were the yield stress, ultimate tensile stress, strain hardening exponent, strain ratio and elongation at fracture point. They were generally observed to vary regularly i.e. Maximum strength i.e peak ultimate tensile stress was obtained after 8 hours of aging as well as the yield stress for both rolling directions as 415MPa and 265MPa as in figures 4 and 5 respectively. After 8 hours of aging for both properties and rolling directions the values are similar indicating that beyond 8 hours of aging the rolling direction ceases to influence this property. Peak strain hardening exponent value was obtained after 10 minutes of aging for both rolling directions as in figure 6. The difference between the two rolling directions was slight with the 45 degree rolling direction having more strain hardening exponent with the peak value being 0.25. After 8 hours of aging the strain hardening exponent value is the same for both rolling directions. Element Al Cr Cu Fe Mg Mn Si Ti Zn Other element Other total Wt% 90.794.7 Max 0.1 3.84.9 Max 0.5 1.21.8 0.30.9 Max 0.5 Max 0.15 Max 0.25 Max 0.05 Max 0.15

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