
Aeolian deposition in coastal system can modify pedogenic processes or provide parent material for new pedogenesis cycles. In Galicia region (NW Spain), as in other regions of the world, the pedogenic processes associated with aeolian deposits under coastal conditions are little know. These processes are also conditioned by the development time from the formation of the sedimentary deposits, which in the case of the Galician coast is highly variable. The main objective was to identify the effect of aeolian deposits on coastal soils, through the characterization and classification of several soil profiles, and the identification of the main pedogenic process that contributed to their formation or modification. The studied soils presented one and two pedogenic cycles as well as in each one different level of pedogenic evolution. The soils with one pedogenic cycle were Endoleptic Umbrisol (Loamic, Hyperdystric, Hyperhumic, Pachic) from Xuxurantes and Haplic Umbrisol (Arenic, Humic, Pachic) from Cabo Vilano. The soils with two cycles were found in Muxia (Aeolic Calcaric Arenosol (Ochric-Novic) over Haplic Phaeozems (Endoloamic)) and Cementerio de los Ingleses (Albic Umbric Podzol (Pantoarenic)). This last type of soil constituted one more step in the evolution of aeolian deposits (first cycle of pedogenesis in the Muxia profile). Thus, changes in the pedogenesis processes and mechanisms were conditioned by the presence of a superficial aeolian deposition as well as the proximity to the coast and determine a chronosequence of the processes in the aeolian sediments.

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