
Production of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs) from sewage sludge has dual effects on valuable sludge disposal and renewable energy generation, while low efficiency limits its application. Biochar addition is considered an effective method to improve MCFAs production. In this study, the influence of biochar adding strategies (i.e., adding biochar in acidification or chain elongation (CE) processes) on MCFAs production was explored. Results showed that by adding biochar in the acidification process, MCFAs accumulation increased by over 114%, accompanied by the highest carbon conversion efficiency (134.66%) and electron transfer efficiency of MCFAs (94.22%) by the terminal CE. Adding biochar before the acidification process better enriched CE bacteria (e.g., Paraclostridium) and strengthened the dominant metabolic pathway. In contrast, the biochar added before the CE process priorly enriched the bacteria capable of degrading organics, like unclassified_f__Dysgonomonadaceae, norank_f__norank_o__OPB41, and Acetobacterium. The differences in excessive ethanol oxidation and short-chain fatty acids accumulation induced by varied adding strategies might be responsible for this.

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