
Problem. Automobile transport has a huge negative influence on the environment, not only during using, but also during its service. Goal: to analyze the influence on the atmosphere of the work of car service stations. Methodology: The calculation of atmospheric emissions during the operation of the main production units was carried out according to the standard method. Gas analysis was carried out using an OKCI-5M-5H gas analyzer. Originality: Calculated amounts of emissions of major pollutants, which are formed during the operation of internal combustion engines and during the operation of the main units of the station, determined the amount of pollution from decentralized space heating. Recommendations for reducing the amount of pollutants and the negative influence of stations on the environment within the city are proposed. Practical value. When liquefied gas is used as a combustible gas, emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere are noticeably reduced both in quantitative terms and in qualitative composition. At the same time, the emissions of methane and sulfur oxides decrease by half. There is a significant decrease in carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide (II) emissions. Analysis of the data obtained shows that when wood is used as a fuel, there are no emissions of sulfur oxides, but the amount of nitrogen and carbon oxides is higher. Particulate matter emissions are not significantly dependent on the type of fuel. During the operation of the service station, the largest amount of gaseous emissions into the atmosphere occurs in the service box of the internal combustion engine. In general, during the operation of a car service station, a significant amount of harmful substances is not added to the atmosphere.

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