
The hydrolysis of the collagen matrix by metalloproteinases (MMPs) is one of the paradigms that currently arouses most interest due to its close relationship with a decrease in bond strength (BS) and consequent restoration failure. Chlorhexidine 2% has demonstrated its ability to inhibit MMPs’ activity in the permanent dentition, improving the duration of resin–dentine, but there are few studies on deciduous dentition and its possible repercussions. Aim: To determine the influence of 2% chlorhexidine digluconate (CHX) as a dentine pretreatment on the BS of three adhesive systems on primary molars. Methods: 128 primary extracted molars were assigned to eight groups at random. BS in vitro was recorded by micropush-out test, and analyzed by two-way ANOVA. Results: BS values oscillated from 15.01 MPa to 20.41 MPa. There was no statistically relevant variation between the BS total mean of those adhesive groups that had received CHX pretreatment versus those that did not. Adper Prompt L-Pop was the self-etching adhesive with the best BS. Adper Scotchbond 1XT was the total-etch adhesive with the best BS values. Conclusions: Application of 2% chlorhexidine for 60 s as dentine pretreatment did not affect the immediate BS of several adhesive systems used in primary dentition.


  • Direct restorations as fillings in the primary dentition are the main restorative procedure in children’s daily practice [1,2]

  • Despite great advances in adhesive technology in the last few decades, one of the unresolved dilemmas is the deterioration of the resin/dentin union with time, leading to a very short clinical longevity of composite resins [3,4], a problem caused by the activity of the metalloproteinases (MMPs) of the fundamental substance our organism

  • There are very few studies carried out using the novel adhesion test proposed in this study; only a single study carried out in 2021 by Del Rio and collaborators [23] coincides in the analysis of adhesion strength with this same resistance test, though it was disparate in terms of the non-use of chlorhexidine digluconate (CHX) during the adhesive process in deciduous dentition and the higher percentage of orthophosphoric acid used in acid etching

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Direct restorations as fillings in the primary dentition are the main restorative procedure in children’s daily practice [1,2]. Despite great advances in adhesive technology in the last few decades, one of the unresolved dilemmas is the deterioration of the resin/dentin union with time, leading to a very short clinical longevity of composite resins [3,4], a problem caused by the activity of the metalloproteinases (MMPs) of the fundamental substance our organism. Adhesion to dentine substrate is significantly more complicated than bonding to enamel [5,6]. Additional relevant factors are the chemical and microstructural characteristics of the substrates of the deciduous and permanent dentition [5,6]. The hybrid layers created on primary teeth are thicker than those obtained on permanent teeth with identical etching time [6]. This suggests that the dentine in deciduous teeth is more acid-etch reactive because of its reduced mineral content [6]. The incomplete infiltration of the resin monomers into previously demineralized dentine would expose the underlying collagen fibrils, which are subject to hydrolytic breakdown, leading to hybrid layer softening and possible reduction of bond strength, which could be more pronounced in temporary dentine [5,6]

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