
The stochastic approach aims at describing the long-wavelength part of quantum fields during inflation by a classical stochastic theory. It is usually formulated in terms of Langevin equations, giving rise to a Fokker–Planck equation for the probability distribution function of the fields, and possibly their momenta. The link between these two descriptions is ambiguous in general, as it depends on an implicit discretisation procedure, the two prominent ones being the Itô and Stratonovich prescriptions. Here we show that the requirement of general covariance under field redefinitions is verified only in the latter case, however at the expense of introducing spurious ‘frame’ dependences. This stochastic anomaly disappears when there is only one source of stochasticity, like in slow-roll single-field inflation, but manifests itself when taking into account the full phase space, or in the presence of multiple fields. Despite these difficulties, we use physical arguments to write down a covariant Fokker–Planck equation that describes the diffusion of light scalar fields in non-linear sigma models in the overdamped limit. We apply it to test scalar fields in de Sitter space and show that some statistical properties of a class of two-field models with derivative interactions can be reproduced by using a correspondence with a single-field model endowed with an effective potential. We also present explicit results in a simple extension of the single-field theory to a hyperbolic field space geometry. The difficulties we describe seem to be the stochastic counterparts of the notoriously difficult problem of maintaining general covariance in quantum theories, and the related choices of operator ordering and path-integral constructions. Our work thus opens new avenues of research at the crossroad between cosmology, statistical physics, and quantum field theory.

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