
Infinitesimal supersymmetries over classical Lie groups that do not necessarily integrate to Lie supergroups are described. They yield a notion of supersymmetry that is less rigid than the assumption of a Lie supergroup action but still implies an underlying action of a Lie group. In contrast to Lie supergroups, the arising representation-theoretical Lie supergroups (RTLSG) occur as families associated to Harish-Chandra superpairs. However morphisms of RTLSGs directly correspond to morphisms of Harish-Chandra superpairs. Particular RTLSGs can be derived from the explicit constructions of Lie supergroups given by Berezin and Kostant. The Lie superalgebras $\mathfrak{gl}(1,1)$ or $\mathfrak{sl}(1,1)$ appearing also in higher dimensional classical Lie superalgebras, provide interesting first examples of RTLSGs. A classification of RTLSGs associated to real and complex $\mathfrak{gl}(1,1)$- and $\mathfrak{sl}(1,1)$-Harish-Chandra superpairs is given by parameter spaces and complete sets of invariants. The underlying Lie group is assumed to be connected but possibly not simply connected.

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