
Given a formal symplectic groupoid $G$ over a Poisson manifold $(M, \pi_0)$, we define a new object, an infinitesimal deformation of $G$, which can be thought of as a formal symplectic groupoid over the manifold $M$ equipped with an infinitesimal deformation $\pi_0 + \epsilon \pi_1$ of the Poisson bivector field $\pi_0$. The source and target mappings of a deformation of $G$ are deformations of the source and target mappings of $G$. To any pair of natural star products $(\ast, \tilde\ast)$ having the same formal symplectic groupoid $G$ we relate an infinitesimal deformation of $G$. We call it the deformation groupoid of the pair $(\ast, \tilde\ast)$. We give explicit formulas for the source and target mappings of the deformation groupoid of a pair of star products with separation of variables on a Kaehler- Poisson manifold. Finally, we give an algorithm for calculating the principal symbols of the components of the logarithm of a formal Berezin transform of a star product with separation of variables. This algorithm is based upon some deformation groupoid.

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