
We construct almost toric fibrations (ATFs) on all del Pezzo surfaces, endowed with a monotone symplectic form. Except for {mathbb {C}}P^2# overline{{mathbb {C}}P^2}, {mathbb {C}}P^2# 2overline{{mathbb {C}}P^2}, we are able to get almost toric base diagrams (ATBDs) of triangular shape and prove the existence of infinitely many symplectomorphism (in particular Hamiltonian isotopy) classes of monotone Lagrangian tori in {mathbb {C}}P^2# koverline{{mathbb {C}}P^2} for k=0,3,4,5,6,7,8. We name these tori Theta ^{n_1,n_2,n_3}_{p,q,r}. Using the work of Karpov-Nogin, we are able to classify all ATBDs of triangular shape. We are able to prove that {mathbb {C}}P^2# overline{{mathbb {C}}P^2} also has infinitely many monotone Lagrangian tori up to symplectomorphism and we conjecture that the same holds for {mathbb {C}}P^2# 2overline{{mathbb {C}}P^2}. Finally, the Lagrangian tori Theta ^{n_1,n_2,n_3}_{p,q,r} subset X can be seen as monotone fibres of ATFs, such that, over its edge lies a fixed anticanonical symplectic torus Sigma . We argue that Theta ^{n_1,n_2,n_3}_{p,q,r} give rise to infinitely many exact Lagrangian tori in X setminus Sigma , even after attaching the positive end of a symplectization to partial (X setminus Sigma ).


  • We say that two Lagrangians submanifolds of a symplectic manifold X belong to the same symplectomorphism class if there is a symplectomorphism of X sending one Lagrangian to the other

  • Even though we do not have a toric structure in CP2#kCP2, 3 ≤ k ≤ 8 endowed with a monotone symplectic form, in this paper we show that we can construct almost toric fibrations (ATFs) in all monotone del Pezzo surfaces, i.e., CP1 × CP1 and CP2#kCP2, 0 ≤ k ≤ 8

  • To prove Theorem 1.1(a) we show that for CP1 × CP1 and CP2#kCP2, k = 0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, we can build the almost toric base diagrams of triangular shape described in Figs. 1, 2, 3 and 4

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We say that two Lagrangians submanifolds of a symplectic manifold X belong to the same symplectomorphism class if there is a symplectomorphism of X sending one Lagrangian to the other. In view of that we conjecture: Conjecture 1.4 The boundary Maslov-2 convex hull of a monotone Lagrangian fibre of an ATF described by an ATBD (here we assume that cuts are always taken as eigenrays, which are fixed by the monodromy—see [31, Definition 4.11]) is determined by the limit orbifold (Definition 2.14). 6 we relate our work with [30], by pointing out that the complement of the symplectic torus in the anti-canonical class is obtained from attaching (Weinstein handles along the boundary of) Lagrangian disks to the (co-disk bundle of the) monotone fibre of each ATBD These tori are exact in the complement of. CP2#3CP2, and for some family of tori in the monotone (CP1)2m

Terminology and background
Short review of mutations
Monotonicity and blowup
Almost toric blowup
Almost toric fibrations of del Pezzo surfaces
Mutations and ATBDs of triangular shape
Infinitely many tori
ATBDs of triangular shape
Karpov–Nogin and Hacking–Prokhorov
FOOO and Wu
Full Text
Paper version not known

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