
Balinsky and Novikov showed that the affinization of a Novikov algebra naturally defines a Lie algebra, a property that in fact characterizes the Novikov algebra. It is also an instance of the operadic Koszul duality. In this paper, we develop a bialgebra theory for the Novikov algebra, namely the Novikov bialgebra, which is characterized by the fact that its affinization (by a quadratic right Novikov algebra) gives an infinite-dimensional Lie bialgebra, suggesting a Koszul duality for properads. A Novikov bialgebra is also characterized as a Manin triple of Novikov algebras. The notion of Novikov Yang-Baxter equation is introduced, whose skewsymmetric solutions can be used to produce Novikov bialgebras and hence Lie bialgebras. Moreover, these solutions also give rise to skewsymmetric solutions of the classical Yang-Baxter equation in the infinite-dimensional Lie algebras from the Novikov algebras.

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