
For an m-order n-dimensional Hilbert tensor (hypermatrix) Hn=(Hi1i2⋯im),Hi1i2⋯im=1i1+i2+⋯+im−m+1,i1,…,im=1,2,…,n its spectral radius is not larger than nm−1sinπn, and an upper bound of its E-spectral radius is nm2sinπn. Moreover, its spectral radius is strictly increasing and its E-spectral radius is nondecreasing with respect to the dimension n. When the order is even, both infinite and finite dimensional Hilbert tensors are positive definite. We also show that the m-order infinite dimensional Hilbert tensor (hypermatrix) H∞=(Hi1i2⋯im) defines a bounded and positively (m−1)-homogeneous operator from l1 into lp (1<p<∞), and the norm of corresponding positively homogeneous operator is smaller than or equal to π6.

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