
Effect of tillage practices and initial soil moisture contents on infiltration rate and cumulative infiltration in sandy loam soil were studied and cumulative infiltration was predicted by using Kostiakov equation. The decrease in density values from 1.42 to 1,37 and 1.30 g cm, at air dry moisture content, resulted in increase in infiltra- tion rate considerably from 18,76 cm hour, to 22.53 and 30 43 cm hour, respec- tively. With increase in initial moisture content both infiltration rate and cumulative infiltration showed decreasing trend. The predicted cumulative infiltration values were in good agreement with the corresponding observed values with deviation of 102 2.23 and 1.61 per cent in zero tillage. normal tillage and light compaction, respecti- vely. The constants in Kostiakov equation relating to cumulative influx and infiltra- tion rate were found out in different surface conditions at air dry moisture content.

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