
This systematic review assesses effects of paternal exposure to dermatologic medications by using the former US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) pregnancy categories as a benchmark. To assess whether systemic dermatologic medications can cause infertility and teratogenicity when taken by men. Categories D and X dermatologic medications were identified; a systematic review of the literature and reviews of the FDA Adverse Events Reporting System and prescribing information were performed to identify the effects of these medications on male fertility and teratogenicity. A secondary search was performed to assess for other systemic dermatologic medications causing teratogenicity or infertility following paternal exposure. A total of 13 medications met the inclusion criteria. Of 1,032 studies identified, 19 were included after a systematic review of the literature. Studies evaluating medication effects with paternal exposure were identified for 10 of the 13 evaluated medications, and evidence of a negative effect was identified for 6 medications. We did not encounter any studies for 3 medications that met the inclusion criteria. Information submitted to the FDA Adverse Events Reporting System may not reflect the incidence of side effects. Many former pregnancy category D and X systemic dermatologic medications also have effects on male fertility. More research and better-quality studies are required in this area, particularly studies assessing potential teratogenicity.

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