
This work proposes the use of two physics-based models for wave attenuation to infer the microstructure of cortical bone-like structures. One model for ultrasound attenuation in porous media is based on the independent scattering approximation (ISA) and the other model is based on the Waterman Truell (WT) approximation. The microstructural parameters of interest are pore radius and pore density. Attenuation data are simulated for three-dimensional structures mimicking cortical bone using the finite-difference time domain package SimSonic. These simulated structures have fixed sized pores (monodisperse), allowing fine-tuned control of the microstructural parameters. Structures with pore radii ranging from 50 to 100 μm and densities ranging from 20 to 50 pores/mm3 are generated in which only the attenuation due to scattering is considered. From here, an inverse problem is formulated and solved, calibrating the models to the simulated data and producing estimates of pore radius and density. The estimated microstructural parameters closely match the values used to simulate the data, validating the use of both the ISA and WT approximations to model ultrasonic wave attenuation in heterogeneous structures mimicking cortical bone. Furthermore, this illustrates the effectiveness of both models in inferring pore radius and density solely from ultrasonic attenuation data.

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