
Understanding consumer preferences is critical when optimizing prices and assortments in retail operations, and when matching supply and demand in online platforms. In pursuing such an objective, a key input is the set of products that are both available and considered, from which a customer makes a choice. In practice, product availability is often hard to predict because it is subject to market conditions or other operational factors and considered products are unobserved.} In this paper we propose a methodology to identify consideration sets, defined as those that are available and considered, from sales transaction records in a data driven way. We assume that customers are boundedly rational and make purchases in a two-stage process. First, they sample their consideration set and then purchase the most preferred item therein. Our contribution to the literature is two-fold. Theoretically, we address the problem of identifiability of consider-then-choose models from data. Since calibrating this class of choice models is a hard problem, we propose a framework to effectively estimate them and infer consideration sets. The methodology to model the consideration set formation is founded on machine learning techniques that can account for nonlinear-in-parameter utilities in a tractable way. Then we apply the proposed framework on synthetic data and two real datasets: one from a big retail chain and the other one from a car-sharing platform. We observe that accounting for consideration sets can significantly boost the predictive performance in comparison with classical choice-based demand benchmarks, particularly in cases when the assortment of available products is not clearly defined. Our findings suggest that consider-then-choose models tend to be rather robust to the degree of ambiguity in the consideration set definition, and their relative performance with respect to state-of-the-art choice-based demand models improves with this ambiguity.

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