
To evaluate the course of the inferior alveolar nerve and its branches, the detectable branches were investigated with dental cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). Patients in whom the lower third molar (M3) and inferior alveolar nerve canal showed overlapping in the initial panoramic image were included. One hundred twelve impacted lower M3s were extracted after examination with dental CBCT. The detection ratio, the course of the branches, and their relation with the M3 were retrospectively investigated. One hundred fifty-five branches were observed in 106 cases (94.6%, 106/112) around the M3. Most branches coursed under the M3 (55.5%, 86/155), and 85 branches (54.8%, 85/155) were in contact with the M3. The inferior alveolar nerve canal and branch(es) were mostly in contact with the M3 (57.5%, 61/106). Dental CBCT can detect most tubular structures representing branches in the impacted lower M3 region.

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