
The Saccharomyces sensu stricto complex consists of six closely related species and one natural hybrid. Intra- and inter- species variability in repetitive elements can help elucidate the population structure and evolution of these close relatives. The chromosome positions of several telomeric associated sequences (TASs) and LTR-retrotransposons have been determined, using PFGE, in 112 isolates. Most of the repetitive elements studied are found in multiple copies in each strain, although in some subpopulations these elements are present in low copy number or are absent. Hybridization patterns and copy numbers of the repetitive elements correlate with geographic distribution. These patterns may yield interesting clues as to the origins and evolution of some TASs and retrotransposons, e.g. we can infer that Y' originated on the left end of chromosome XIV. There is strong evidence for horizontal transfer of Ty2 between S. cerevisiae and S. mikatae. Ty1 and Ty5 are either lost easily or frequently horizontally transferred. We have also found some gross chromosomal rearrangements in isolates within species and a few new natural hybrids between species, indicating that these processes occur in the wild and are not limited to conditions of human influence. DNA sequences have been deposited with the EMBL/GenBank database under Accession Nos AJ632279-AJ632293.

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