
Between late December 2019 when it was first reported, to early September 2020, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARSCoV- 2), the causative agent of coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19), reportedly infected over 10 million people globally. In Africa, more than 300,000 infections occurred within the period, from which several genetic sequences of the virus were generated. During disease outbreak, phylogenetic reconstruction of genomic data can assist in making epidemiological inferences about time of pathogen introduction, epidemic growth rate and temporal-spatial spread of the infection. In this work, we studied the genetic epidemiology of COVID-19 in Africa. Genetic sequence data of SARS-CoV-2 and metadata from African countries were obtained from publicly accessible sequence database hosted by the GISAID initiative. Whole genome sequences were subjected to multiple sequence alignment and the aligned sequences used to construct a Maximum Likelihood phylogenetic tree based on the general time reversible model. Of the 227 genetic sequences obtained for 9 African countries (DRC=133, Senegal=23, South Africa=20, Ghana=15, Tunisia=6, Algeria=3, Gambia=3, Egypt=2 and Nigeria=2), 220 were whole genome sequences while 7 were partial genome sequences of the surface glycoprotein S. Majority of the viruses (58.1%) belonged to the G clade of GISAID classification. Phylogenetic analysis confirmed multiple introductions of the virus to the continent from multiple external sources prior to local adaptation and spread. The very close alignment of three viruses - Ghana/1659_S14/2020|EPI_ISL_422405, DRC/KN0054/2020|EPI_ ISL_417437, and South_Africa/R05475/2020|EPI_ISL_435059 – to the reference Wuhan strain on the time tree, suggests possible introduction and circulation of the virus into the continent much earlier than when the first case in the continent was announced in February 15 2020. In conclusion, this study provided evidence to support multiple introductions of SARSCoV- 2 into Africa, and further suggests that the virus may have already been circulating in the continent prior to official reporting of the first case. Also, there is strong impression to infer likely genetic adaptation of the virus in the continent that may account for the close clustering of isolates from different countries of the continent.

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