
Early research indicated that bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) would not adhere to zona pellucida-intact (ZP-I), in vivo-derived bovine embryos. However, in a recent study, viral association of BVDV and in vivo-derived embryos was demonstrated. These findings raised questions regarding the infectivity of the embryo-associated virus. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the infectivity of BVDV associated with in vivo-derived bovine embryos through utilization of primary cultures of uterine tubal cells (UTC) as an in vitro model of the uterine environment and to determine if washing procedures, including trypsin treatment, were adequate to remove virus from in vivo-derived embryos. One hundred and nine ZP-I morulae and blastocysts (MB) and 77 non-fertile and degenerated (NFD) ova were collected on day 7 from 34, BVDV-negative, superovulated cows. After collection, all MB and NFD ova were washed according to International Embryo Transfer Society (IETS) standards and exposed for 2h to approximately 106 cell culture infective doses (50% endpoint) per milliliter of viral strain SD-1. Following exposure, some groups of <10 MB or NFD ova were washed in accordance with IETS standards. In addition, an equivalent number of MB and NFD ova were subjected to IETS standards for trypsin treatment. Subsequently, NFD ova were immediately sonicated and sonicate fluids were assayed for presence of virus, while individual and groups of MB were placed in microdrops containing primary cultures of UTCs and incubated. After 3 days, embryos, media, and UTCs were harvested from each microdrop and assayed for BVDV. Virus was detected in the sonicate fluids of 56 and 43% of the groups of NFD ova that were washed and trypsin-treated, respectively. After 3 days of microdrop culture, virus was not detected in media or sonicate fluids from any individual or groups of MB, regardless of treatment. However, virus was detected in a proportion of UTC that were co-cultured with washed groups of MB (30%), washed individual MB (9%) and trypsin treated individual MB (9%), but no virus was detected in the UTC associated with groups of trypsin-treated embryos. In conclusion, virus associated with developing embryos was infective for permissive cells. Further, the quantity of virus associated with a proportion of individual embryos (both washed and trypsin treated) was sufficient to infect the UTC. In light of these results, an attempt should be made to determine if the quantity of a high-affinity isolate of BVDV associated with an individual embryo would infect recipients via the intrauterine route.

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