
The infectivity and pathogenicity of the penaeid shrimp virus,Baculovirus penaei(BP), is influenced by the stage of viral development. This study consisted of a preliminary experiment which showed that nonocculuded virus administeredper osis infective, followed by two infectivity experiments. In the first phase of each infectivity experiment, mysis stage larvae ofPenaeus vannameiwere inoculated with BP and samples of infected tissue were collected at various times postinoculation (p.i.). These samples were then used to inoculate either mysis or postlarval stageP. vannameiin the second phase of each experiment. Viral inocula prepared from patently infected tissues consistently produced infections in both mysis and postlarval stage shrimp. Inocula prepared from prepatently infected tissue collected 12–18 h p.i. produced infections in some, but not all replicate cultures, while inocula prepared from tissues collected earlier than 12 h p.i. were not infective. Viral development in mysis stage larvae was substantially delayed and the mortality was significantly lower when the viral inocula were prepared from prepatently compared to patently infected tissues. BP appears to be most pathogenic to larvae that have been exposed to inocula prepared from tissues that had recently developed a high prevalence of patent infections or about 72 h p.i.

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