
Murine leukaemia virus has been suggested to contribute to both autoimmune disease and leukaemia in the NZB mouse and in the (NZB × NZW) F1 (abbreviated B/W) mouse. However, with apparently only xenotropic but no ecotropic virus constitutively expressed in these mice, few mechanisms could explain the aetiology of either disease in either mouse strain. Because pseudotyped and/or inducible ecotropic virus may play a role, we surveyed the ability of murine leukaemia virus in NZB, NZW and B/W mice to infect and form a provirus. From the spleen of NZB mice, we isolated circular cDNA of xenotropic and polytropic virus, which indicates ongoing infection by these viruses. From a B/W lymphoma, we isolated and determined the complete sequence of a putative ecotropic NZW virus. From B/W mice, we recovered de novo endogenous retroviral integration sites (tags) from the hyperproliferating cells of the spleen and the peritoneum. The tagged genes seemed to be selected to aid cellular proliferation, as several of them are known cancer genes. The insertions are consistent with the idea that endogenous retrovirus contributes to B-cell hyperproliferation and progression to lymphoma in B/W mice.

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