
Emerging virus diseases are a major threat to humans and public health. Over the past two decades, there has been mounting interest in the increasing number of viruses causing unexpected illnesses and epidemics among humans. Emerging diseases also include as yet unrecognisable infections, or a previously recognised infection that has expanded into new ecological niche often accompanied by a significant change in pathogenicity. In the wake of these discoveries, the need for stronger infection prevention measures for personal services such as tattooing and cosmetic tattooing procedures needs to be revisited and re-established through more rigorous measures. This study provides an overview of some of the more common viruses and highlights their covert and sometimes non-symptomatic nature that tattooing practitioners need to be mindful of. It also presents precautionary measures that practitioners must take to protect against cross-contamination through infection prevention protocols. This study also looks at the importance of education and updates in education and the role of mandatory regulations.

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