
Genetic variation in pathogen populations provides the means to answer questions in disease ecology and transmission, illuminating interactions between genetic traits, environmental exposures, and disease. Such studies elucidate the phylogeny, evolution, transmission and pathogenesis of viruses, bacteria and parasites. Here, we review how such studies have fostered understanding of the biology and epidemiology of zoonotic nematode parasites in the genus Trichinella spp., which impose considerable economic and health burdens by infecting wildlife, livestock, and people. To use such data to define ongoing chains of local transmission and source traceback, researchers first must understand the extent and distribution of genetic variation resident in regional parasite populations. Thus, genetic variability illuminates a population's past as well as its present. Here we review how such data have helped define population dynamics of Trichinella spp. in wild and domesticated hosts, creating opportunities to harness genetic variation in the quest to prevent, track, and contain future outbreaks.

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