
Throughout their development, infants are exposed to varying speaking rates. Thus, it is important to determine whether they are able to adapt to speech at varying rates and recognize target words from continuous speech despite speaking rate differences. To address this question, a series of four experiments were conducted to test whether infants can recognize words in continuous speech when rate is variable. In addition, the underlying mechanisms that infants may use to cope with variations induced by different speaking rates were also examined. Specifically, using the Headturn Preference procedure [Jusczyk and Aslin (1995). Cognitive Psychol. 29, 1-23], infants were familiarized with normal-rate passages containing two trisyllabic target words (e.g., elephants and dinosaurs), and tested with familiar (elephants and dinosaurs) and unfamiliar (crocodiles and platypus) words embedded in normal-rate (experiment 1), fast-rate (experiments 2 and 3), or slow-rate passages (experiment 4). The results indicate that 14-month-olds, but not 11-month-olds, recognized target words in passages with a fast speaking rate. In addition, findings suggest that infants used context to normalize speech across different speaking rates.

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