
Background: Various situations in orthopedic surgery needed a second surgery. Though the need of a second surgery cannot always predicted. Despite a well-done procedure, 3.6% cases may still need a second surgery. In modern-day-trauma, with increasing speed-of-travel, we have to face the challenges of 21st-century and rate of Complex-Comminuted-Devitalized-Fractures (CCD) have tremendously increased. Aim and Objectives: To help identify common orthopedic situations which need a second surgery. Material and Methods: This retrospective study was carried from 1989-2010, on 25,550-procedures operated at our-centre of total 3060 patients. The study included patients from 5-80 years of age, and excluded surgeries done for congenital and neoplastic disorders. Results: Out of 25,550 procedures, 3,060 procedures were second surgeries. Indications for the second surgeries were studied and analyzed. Conclusion: We conclude that this is a revolutionary concept and would help each orthopaedic surgeon across world to classify every fracture with this classification, where they feel need for second surgery. It would improve our rationale of treatment and significantly improve prognosis and final outcomes.

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