
Inertial confinement fusion research (ICF) isdirected towards demonstrating the scientific feasibilityof very rapidly heating and compressing small pelletsof suitable fuel until conditions exist where thermonuclearfusion can occur and useful amounts of powercan be produced. Such pellets may be heated up tothe required temperatures either by means of energydrivers or by magnetic compression (implodingliners). Magnetic-confinement fusion (MCF) researchhas now reached the level of scientific-feasibilityexperiments after having stayed in purgatory for abouttwenty years (to quote a well-known dictum byArtsimovich). Based on the results of these efforts thetokamak devices JT-60, TFTR, JET and T-l 5M areexpected to become operative in the mid 1980s. Bycomparison, remarkable progress in ICF has beenattained through only ten years' efforts; in this field,too, the level of scientific breakeven does not seem tobe too far away.

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