
Oxide particles have potential as robust heat transfer and thermal energy storage (TES) media for concentrating solar power (CSP). Particles of low-cost, inert oxides such as alumina and/or silica offer an effective, noncorrosive means of storing sensible energy at temperatures above 1000 °C. However, for TES subsystems coupled to high-efficiency, supercritical-CO2 cycles with low temperature differences for heat addition, the limited specific TES (in kJ kg−1) of inert oxides requires large mass flow rates for capture and total mass for storage. Alternatively, reactive oxides may provide higher specific energy storage (approaching 2 or more times the inert oxides) through adding endothermic reduction. Chemical energy storage through reduction can benefit from low oxygen partial pressures (PO2) sweep-gas flows that add complexity, cost, and balance of plant loads to the TES subsystem. This paper compares reactive oxides, with a focus on Sr-doped CaMnO3–δ perovskites, to low-cost alumina-silica particles for energy capture and storage media in CSP applications. For solar energy capture, an indirect particle receiver based on a narrow-channel, counterflow fluidized bed provides a framework for comparing the inert and reactive particles as a heat transfer media. Low-PO2 sweep gas flows for promoting reduction impact the techno-economic viability of TES subsystems based on reactive perovskites relative to those using inert oxide particles. This paper provides insights as to when reactive perovskites may be advantageous for TES subsystems in next-generation CSP plants.

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