
Health equity is today an important objective to evenly reach the population among different health care systems. This article will focus on diagnosis and treatment access inequalities in Argentina.Although different aspects must be optimized to overcome access barriers worldwide, access inequalities in some regions of Argentina may depend basically on the type of health coverage or insurance. Health care in Argentina is divided into Public, Social security and Private care systems. Access to diagnosis and disease monitoring will vary according whether the patient is under each of these systems. Reducing inequalities may help target some important aspects not covered today and that may directly impact patients' outcome. Disparities in health cancer care were analyzed according to Public, Social security and Private sectors. A disadvantage in resource access, inadequate funding and limited medical infrastructures are common characteristics of the public health care systems. In our country the disparity between the public and private sectors in terms of timely diagnosis, stage of disease at diagnosis, accuracy of diagnosis, access to novel agents and transplantation is notorious, with the public sector lagging behind in access to diagnostic and treatment resources. While the Private sector has treatment outcomes comparable to those of high-income countries, challenges remain in the Public sector for patients who rely on early and accurate diagnosis and timely access to treatment. There is an urgent need to provide equitable care for multiple myeloma and CLL patients and reduce the emotional and financial consequences of the disease for the patient.A survey about diagnosis and therapeutic resources was conducted between April and May 2023 among large centers in the Public, Social security and Private systems. A total of 49 hematologists from 31 institutions from five provinces of Argentina participated in the survey. We observed differences between the different systems with more access for the Private system on genetic diagnosis (FISH-IGVH access). More CLL patients in the public and social security systems were treated with CIT reflecting the inaccessibility in these sectors of more expensive targeted therapies rather than a gap in information since the Public centers surveyed were large hospitals with knowledgeable physicians. Access to different treatments both in first-line and relapsed settings was more equitable in the treatment of multiple myeloma for the different systems with the exception of access to daratumumab in first-line that was extremely infrequent in the public coverage. With increasing cost and treatment complexity as the introduction of CARTs and BITEs for CLL and MM, the gap will probably deepen more if the problem is not treated comprehensively by all the actors of the health sector: government, physicians, patients' organizations and pharmaceutical companies.

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