
Inelastic x-ray scattering (IXS) provides high-pressure researchwith an arsenal of analytical capabilities for key measurements that werepreviously unattainable, and high-pressure research provides IXS with numerousapplications where the technique has unique advantages over other methods.High-pressure investigations can now be conducted using non-resonant IXS,resonant IXS, nuclear resonant IXS and x-ray emission spectroscopy withenergy resolutions of 100 meV to 1 eV for electronic transitions and 1 to10 meV for phonon studies. By pressure-tuning materials over a wide range, weare able to investigate fundamental properties of the electron gas, stronglycorrelated electron systems, high-energy electronic excitations and phononsin energy and momentum space. The results have important implications for avariety of materials problem applications as well as providing basicinformation for understanding the deep interior of the Earth and otherplanets.

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