
Our paper is devoted to the science-research work carried out in the Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property (RSAIP) for revealing the role of foreign patenting for development of export of high-technology goods made by Russian manufacturers, first of all by small and medium-sized innovation enterprises. The results of study the patent documents indicating preferences of Russian innovation enterprises in foreign patenting of their new developments are presented in this paper. Preliminary conclusions on preferences in choice of countries for patenting and fields where innovations are made have been given. It is well known that the development of a competitive economy depends on the innovative activity of enterprises in the market. Understanding of terminology of innovation and invention opens up their economic and legal essence. A special and basic characteristic of innovation is creativity. In the Japanese business and management system, creativity is a production slogan and an inspiring idea, since creativity generates a person’s desire to improve in work through intelligence. A product that is new on a global level is recognized as an invention and is regulated by patent law. The state of the art for the invention includes all information that became publicly available in the world before the date of applying with the State Department of intellectual property. The aim of our study is to analyze the economic aspect of patenting made by the innovative companies in the world with attention to Russia, taking into account the role of innovation infrastructure. Modern concepts of innovative development of economic systems at various levels (state, region, industry, business entity) increasingly focus on the need for new forms of integration of scientific, industrial, commercial, and other resources to increase competitiveness. Domestic and foreign researchers, government, and business representatives pay attention to clusters as a promising form of integration and practical implementation of the idea of Public-Private Partnership for Innovative Industrial Development. The cluster approach allows combining the advantages of specialization, integration, and cooperation in increasing the competitiveness of business entities in a higher-level organizational and economic system (regional, industry cluster) by consolidating production, financial, intellectual, and managerial resources. Clustering of the innovation system in industry allows transition from supporting individual production enterprises or organizations that carry out scientific research to stimulating the development of relationships between them and other subjects of commercialization of scientific research.

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