
Industry 4.0 (Fourth Industrial Revolution) and green process manufacturing are similar to each other and work closely as they are new concepts in manufacturing production & operations management. Today the need of expansion in businesses directly leads to adoption of new concepts of manufacturing and also making awareness of those used processes to ultimate consumers is needed. Industry 4.0 is related to the processes with latest technologies such as clean-green energy, automation, internet of things (IoT) and digitization, whereas, green manufacturing is almost similar like use of fewer natural resources, reduction in pollution & waste, reducing carbon footprints, recycle & reuse of material and moderate emission in processes. Country’s sustainable growth right now is major among other strategies and every country is trying and working hard to incorporate the development process through adoption of these types of tools & techniques. Industry 4.0 technologies and green manufacturing relate to “Green Dialogue” and to some extent proving the object also. Now, introduction of Industry 5.0 is welcoming fully fledged automation of industries with green processes like G-IoT. However, climate health, consumers health and production & operation health is on priority to have healthier green clean sustainable development in the world. From the above title, the purpose of this study is to present the potential of the industries under new industrial revolution with the combination to eco-friendly manufacturing leading to knowledge of the updated technologies used for their respective ecological production & operation management. These concepts are considered to be new around the world and most of the developed countries are more active in accepting these sustainable concepts in their operations and production in industries. Developing countries like India are way behind in acquiring these concepts as manufacturing is aware but not willing to pay extra cost of production in advancing the operation & production process. Most of the top manufacturers of India have already started using this sustainable process as they have to prove their responsibility towards society at large by Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) also.

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