
To the Editor: Thank you for forwarding us the two letters which were received regarding our recent article on occupationally acquired symptomatic porphyria cutanea tarda. First, the letter from Dr. Ernst Epstein. Our use of the name Watson-Schwartz test , according to our laboratory, referred to a less commonly used test for uroporphyrin and not the more commonly used Watson-Schwartz test for porphobilinogen. In addition, the results were checked with paper chromatography. As to Dr. Epstein's second point, strange as it may seem, no facilities were made available to us for quantitative estimation of porphyrin excretion. This was in spite of the fact that two major teaching centers were approached about this problem. We felt that the publication of this article even without the quantitative tests would be of value, since it would alert others to the possible relationship between the chemicals discussed and the appearance of symptomatic porphyria cutanea tarda.

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