
Between 1960-1966, industrial relations system in Nigeria was based on Laissez-faire doctrine or voluntary ethic. The colonial trade union ordinance of 1938 allowed any five or more persons to form trade unions. The trend led to the proliferation of over 1000 mushroom unions which were not well organized and badly managed. Besides, all was not well with the organization, administration, finance, leadership and foreign relations of the unions. It was against this backdrop that government initiated a move to restructure the trade unions along industrial lines. The objective of this paper is to highlight the impact of industrial unionism on industrial relations system in Nigeria and also to examine the implications and changes it has created in the pattern of collective bargaining especially the multi-employer bargaining. The paper in its methodology adopted a theoretical approach which was blended with the authors’ versed and practical knowledge of the subject and trend of events. The paper concludes with recommendations on ways to make the multi-employer bargaining more effective or result-oriented.

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