
Given the potential value of industrial psychology's contribution to the inter-disciplinary field of industrial relations, and given its rather indifferent past record in this respect, the purpose of this study is to clarify the role of industrial psychology in industrial relations. The opinions of registered industrial psychologists in South Africa were surveyed about those issues in which industrial psychology does have a role to play. Respondents confirmed an ongoing mutual indifference between the two fields but nevertheless supported the idea that industrial psychology has an important role to play in many industrial relations issues.Opsomming Gegewe die potensiele waarde van die bedryfsielkunde se bydrae tot die interdissiplinere studieveld van die arbeidsverhoudinge, en ook bedryfsielkunde se ietwat afsydige rekord hieromtrent in die verlede, is dit die doel van hierdie studie om die rol van die bedryfsielkunde in arbeidsverhoudinge toe te lig. Die menings van geregistreerde bedryfsielkundiges in Suid-Afrika met betrekking tot daardie areas waar die bedryfsielkunde wel 'n rol te speel het, is ingewin. Respondente het bevestig dat die onderling afsydige verhouding tussen die twee dissiplines voortgesit word, maar het nietemin die gedagte ondersteun dat die bedryfsielkunde 'n belangrike rol in bate areas van die arbeidsverhoudinge te speel het.

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