
Sustainable development is not thought in a box without development pillars. Previous researchers put these pillars as economy, social and environment. Upon improving these three pillars, sustainable development becomes trustworthy in relation to workplace safety and health improvement. However, the researchers’ findings have drawback in considering existing three pillars. Previous researches neglected to incorporate the other three pillars of sustainable development which are culture, political and technological factors. Having these pillars, sustainable development can also be guaranteed by considering workplace safety and health innovation for all internal and external entities engage at work. This is because of the implementation the pillars reduce the working environment accidents and disease. Hence, this research focuses on the workplace safety & health innovation, introducing new pillars for sustainable development, their impact on sustainable developments and indicating the three pillars future research areas. Methods like literature review, interviewing employees and observation of industries were used. There were few researches found on how sustainable development affected by workplace safety and health innovation approaches. However, this literature more focused on the relationship workplace innovation and sustainable development share in common. The other finding in this study showed that the innovation of workplace safety and health brings sustainable development through healthy people, safer workplace, reduced cost of accidents, controlled environment, managed workplace accidents and improved workplace safety knowledge. The researchers have also attempted to forward roads toward sustainable development through occupational safety and health innovation and improvement approaches.

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