
Industrial Decentralisation in South Africa by Trevor Bell London and Cape Town, Oxford University Press, 1973. Pp. xv + 304. £6.50. - Industries in the Southern African Periphery: a study of industrial development in Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland by Percy Selwyn London, Croom Helm, in association with the Institute of Development Studies, Sussex, 1975. Pp. 156. £6.95. - Industrial Diversification in Zambia by A. Young New York and London, Praeger, 1973. Pp. 328. £10.20. - Underdevelopment and Industrialisation in Tanzania by Justinian F. Rweyemamu London and Nairobi, Oxford University Press, 1973. Pp. 273. £5.00 paperback. - Volume 14 Issue 3

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