
A new technique has been developed to assess the mobility and site of specific elements in complex natural materials such as rocks. Concentration profiles during leaching were obtained by pumping reagents (water, 1% HNO3, 10% HNO3, 30% HNO3), either continuously or with flow injection, through a microcolumn of sample while continuously monitoring analyte signals by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS). Compared to batch extraction procedures normally used, the approach involves minimal sample preparation and reduced contamination since the leaching is performed in a closed system. Continuous on-line monitoring also allows a greater resolution of the various phases reacting with given reagent. Compared to continuous leaching, flow injection increased the resolution of the various phases using discrete injections of reagents while reducing reagent consumption and minimizing etching of the MS interface. Furthermore, sensitivity was preserved by injecting into air instead of an aqueous carrier. Whether in the continuous or flow injection modes, the proposed approach provides real-time data on what phases are breaking down and what metals are released. It can therefore be used to design effective leaching strategies and to trace isotopic compositions. However, the resulting spectra are complex and the correct determination of some elements requires high-resolution ICPMS.

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