
order to utilize the alien chromosome addition lines of radish with single kale chromo-some (2n = 19) for radish breeding, it was considered that introgression of valuable traits frorn kale to radish might be facilitated through translocation induced by nr-ray irradiation. The transmission rates of the single kale chromosome in the seven alien chromosorne addition lines (a-g types) were relatively low and these 2n=19 Plants showed predominantly the 9n + 11 chromosome pairing configuration at metaphase I (MI) in the pollen mother cells (PMCs), indicating the presence of a rare allosyndesis between the single kale chromosome and radish chromosome complernents (KANEKO et al. 1987, KANEKO et al. 1991). In this article, the possibility of translocation and introgression between radish and kale through the e and b type alien chromosome addition lines (2n = 19) was explored by the application of 1(-ray irradiation for radish im provement.

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