
The response of dynorphinergic neurons in the lumbosacral spinal cord of the rat to chronic arthritic inflammation was studied by the combined use of biochemical and immunohistochemical procedures. In polyarthritic rats, in which all four limbs showed a swelling, inflammation and hyperalgesia, a pronounced elevation was seen in the level of messenger ribonucleic acid encoding prodynorphin (pro-enkephalin B) in the lumbosacral spinal cord. In addition, the levels of immunoreactive dynorphin A 1–17, a primary gene product of this precursor, were greatly increased. This activation was reflected in a striking intensification of the immunohistochemical staining of both dynorphin and α/β-neo-endorphin, a further major product of pro-dynorphin. In control animals perikarya were stained exceedingly rarely and encountered only in laminae I and II. Stained fibres and varicosities were seen throughout the dorsal and ventral gray matter, being most concentrated in laminae I, II, IV and V of the dorsal horn and dorsolateral to the central canal. In polyarthritic rats, fibres and varicosities were much more intensely stained throughout the cord, particularly in laminae I/II, IV and V and dorsolateral to the central canal. Many strongly-stained perikarya could be seen; these comprised many small diameter cells in laminae I and II, and some large diameter marginal neurons and large diameter cells, heterogenous in appearance, in the deeper laminae IV and V. Monolaterally inflamed rats injected in the right hind-paw showed pathological changes only in this limb. Correspondingly, in unilateral inflammation, an elevation in immunoreactive dynorphin was seen exclusively in the right dorsal horn and the above-described intensification of staining for dynorphin and neo-endorphin was seen only in this quadrant. This reveals the neuroanatomical specificity of the response. Thus, in the lumbosacral cord of the rat, pro-dynorphin neurons are most preponderant in laminae I, II, IV and V. A pronounced intensification of the immunohistochemical staining of these neurons is seen in chronic arthritis. Furthermore, there is a parallel elevation in the levels of messenger ribonucleic acid encoding pro-dynorphin and of its primary products dynorphin and neo-endorphin. These findings demonstrate an enhancement in the functional activity of spinal cord localized dynorphin neurons in the response to chronic arthritic inflammation.

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