
The aim of this work was to define the metabolic factors which regulate the respiratory pathways in trangenic potato tubers. We previously found that respiration is enhanced in transgenic tubers which express a yeast invertase and a glucokinase from Zymomonas mobilis. In this study we investigated glycolysis in three further transgenic potato lines with profound changes in the mobilization of sucrose. We studied antisense ADPglucose pyrophosphorylase lines which are characterized by a reduction in starch accumulation and a significant build up of sucrose and related metabolic intermediates. We also report the generation of two novel double transgenic lines where the yeast invertase is expressed specifically in tubers of the ADPglucose pyrophosphorylase antisense line, targeted to either the cytosol or apopolast. We evaluated whether the localization of sucrose cleavage had an impact on the glycolytic induction, and assessed if invertase expression in the high‐sucrose background had any further effects on glycolysis. We found that induction of the glycolytic enzymes only occurs when the invertase is targeted to the cytosol, and that the extent of this induction was comparable in the wild type and antisenseADPglucose pyrophosphorylase backgrounds. We conclude that the signal regulating glycolysis is directly linked to cytosolic sucrose hydrolysis.

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