
Requirements for spore germination in the rare and native New Jersey fern, Schizaea pusilla Pursh., were examined. Spores did not germinate in darkness and gibberellins (GA) did not induce germination in the dark. However, a dark pretreatment promoted germination in a subsequent light treatment and low temperatures during the dark pretreatment greatly enhanced germination in culture. Three wks of dark pretreatment were required for maximum germination. GA3 promoted germination in red light more effectively than GA4+7. Greater than ten days of continuous illumination was necessary for germination. Spores given red light reached half‐maximum germination six days earlier than spores under white light. Red light promoted germination while blue light did not. Far‐red light alone could stimulate germination and enhanced the promotive effect of red light; typical phytochrome photoreversibility was not observed. Blue light reduced the effect of red light.

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