
OBJECTIVE: To study the effects of a crude water extract of Fagonia Arabica, a malignant tumour (Rhabdomyoscarcoma) was produced in albino rats with the help of a carcinogen (20-Methylcholanthrene) and co-carcinogens including Qawam (tobacco extract). DESIGN: An experimental study. SETTING: Basic Medical Sciences Institute (BMSI), Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre (JPMC), Karachi Pakistan. METHODS: Thirty Albino rats were given subcutaneous injections of 75 micro grams of 20-Methylcholanthrene in 0.5 ml of olive oil twice a day for two weeks. Various carcinogens and co-carcinogens like tobacco tar, tobacco paste (Qawam), euphorbia plant extract and croton oil were also applied at different occasions locally on the right side of the back of these animals after shaving about 6 square cms area. This was continued till thirty-first week. RESULTS: At the end of fortieth week, a palpable nodule firm in consistency was noticeable in twenty-six out of thirty animals initially taken for this purpose. Histological examination of biopsy in two animals confirmed malignancy that on special staining showed striations and a diagnosis of Rhabdomyosarcoma was made. CONCLUSION: An animal model of producing Rhabdomyosarcoma in albino rats has been described. This model can be used for studying the anti-tumour effects of various plant extracts.

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