
Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) lacking the enzyme CuZn-superoxide dismutase (sod1delta) display a large number of dioxygen sensitive phenotypes, such as amino acid auxotrophies, sensitivity to elevated temperatures, and sensitivity to 100% dioxygen, which are attributed to superoxide stress. Such cells are exquisitely sensitive to small amounts of the herbicide paraquat (methyl viologen), which is known to produce high fluxes of superoxide in vivo via a redox-cycling mechanism. We report that dioxygen sensitive phenotypes similar to those seen in sod1delta cells can be induced in wild-type cells by treatment with moderate concentrations of paraquat or diquat, another bipyridyl herbicide, providing strong evidence that the mechanism of toxicity for both of these compounds is attributable to superoxide stress. Certain redox-cycling quinone compounds (e.g., menadione and plumbagin) are also far more toxic toward sod1delta than to wild type. However, treatment of wild-type yeast with menadione or plumbagin did not induce sod1delta-like phenotypes, although toxicity was evident. Thus, their toxicity in wild type cells is predominantly, but not exclusively, due to mechanisms unrelated to superoxide production. Further evidence for a different basis of toxicity toward wild-type yeast in these two classes of redox-cycling compounds includes the observations that (i) growth in low oxygen alleviated the effects of paraquat and diquat but not those of menadione or plumbagin and (ii) activity of the superoxide sensitive enzyme aconitase is affected by very low concentrations of paraquat but only by higher, growth inhibitory concentrations of menadione. These results provide the basis for an easy qualitative assay of the contribution of redox-cycling to the toxicity of a test compound. Using this method, we analyzed the Parkinsonism-inducing compound 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium and found that redox cycling and superoxide toxicity are not the predominant factor in its toxic mechanism.

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