
No diabetes was observed inrats after 80% of the pancreas was removed (80 P) or in unoperated rats bearing large transplantable mammotropic pituitary tumors (MtT) that produce very high blood levels of 3 diabetogenic hormones, growth hormone, prolactin and ACTH. Diabetes developed in 32 of 33 rats that were 80 % P and had MtT; in 8 of 9 rats that were 65 % P and hadMtT; and in only 3 of 11 rats that were 40 % P and had MtT. The persistence of the diabeticstate (blood sugar 300–400 mg/100 ml) in 80 % P rats for 3 weeks after surgical removal of the MtT was demonstrated. Typical diabetic histological changes were observed in the β-cells. Adrenalectomy of 80% P rats with MtT prevented the development of diabetes in about half of the rats. The other half had only mild diabetes. The usual growth-producing effect of MtT was inhibited by 80 % P in intact rats which became diabetic but was not inhibited by 80 % P in adrenalectomized rats; 80% P had no effect on organ weights of rats with or without MtT unless diabetes developed. Diabetes led to an increased food intake with a concomitant increase in the length and weight of the intestine. (Endocrinology78: 826, 1966)

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