
Anti-hapten antibody production was elicited by the immunization of hapten-isologous carrier conjugate (PAB-MGG) in mice. Spleen and lymph node cells taken from these primed mice could demonstrate their helper activity for anti-DNP antibody production when transferred intravenously into 600R X-irradiated recipient mice along with DNP-primed B cells and the double hapten conjugated carrier, DNP-MGG-PAB. Isologous carrier (MGG)-primed cells could not demonstrate this helper activity. Accordingly, helper cells reactive for a haptenic group are considered to develop by the immunization of hapten-isologous carrier conjugate. Hapten-reactive helper activity was also induced by the immunization of other hapten-isologous carrier conjugates, e.g., MAB-MGG, PABS-MGG or PAB-MSA. These hapten-reactive helper cells were T lymphocytes, as the helper activity of PAB-MGG-primed cells was completely abolished by in vivo ATS-treatment. Helper activity of PAB-MGG-primed cells for DNP-primed B cells was also demonstrated through the double hapten conjugated heterologous carrier DNP-HGG-PAB to be the same as with DNP-MGG-PAB, but weakly through DNP-KLH-PAB. As HGG but not KLH resembles MGG in composition, almost all hapten-reactive helper T cells can be considered to recognize not only haptenic groups but also physicochemical properties of the hapten-conjugated carrier site. However, these helper T cells could discriminate structural differences among related haptenic groups, because PAB-MGG-primed cells clearly responded to DNP-MGG-PAB to demonstrate their helper activity for DNP-primed B cells, but responded only weakly to DNP-MGG-PABS or DNP-MGG-MAB. When the specificity restrictions of T and B cells to the same haptenic group were compared by responsiveness measured after the antigenic stimulation (B cell function by anti-hapten antibody production and T cell function by helper activity), differences were noted, as PAB-MGG-primed T cells could respond not only to DNP-MGG-PAB but also fairly well to DNP-MGG-MAB to demonstrate their helper activity, but PAB-MGG-primed B cells responded to only PAB-MGG. Thus, hapten specificity appears to be much more restricted for B cells than T cells. The difference of this responsivity between B cells and helper T cells was thought to derive from the specificity difference of B cell and helper T cell receptors rather than from any sensitivity differences of the experimental procedure. The differences in the specificity restrictions of receptors of B and helper T cells were discussed in the light of hapten-specificity.

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